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Minimally invasive lumbar decompression (MILD) is used to treat patients with moderate to severe lumbar spinal stenosis, which is the narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back. This condition is typically caused by age-related wear and tear and may cause pain or numbness in the legs.

How MILD Works

During this procedure, the surgeon uses specialized tools and imaging techniques to relieve compressed nerves, which are often caused by bone spurs or other structural abnormalities of the spine.

MILD is done by making a small incision in the back and inserting a tube to remove bone and ligaments to create additional space in the spinal column. Creating more room in the spine allows pressure on the nerves to be relieved and can reduce pain and numbness.

This procedure is generally completed in about an hour, and patients can expect to return home the same day. Patients can usually resume light activities within a few days and may expect to return to their normal routine within a few weeks.

Conditions MILD Can Treat

Those diagnosed with lumbar spinal stenosis caused by excess ligament tissue or bone overgrowth may benefit from MILD.

Am I a Good Candidate for MILD?

Those suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis may benefit from this procedure. If you are experiencing symptoms such as pain, numbness, and tingling in the legs, lower back, or buttocks, the MILD procedure may be right for you.

Your doctor will perform a physical examination to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Imaging tests, such as an MRI or CT scan, may also be used to determine if MILD is the most appropriate treatment.

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